

传媒学转向:当代人文社会科学研究的新走向 摘要:在当代人文社会科学的研究范畴中,与传媒研究密切相关的新闻 学、传播学等学科已经成为了显学,与此同时,当代人文社会科学研究迎来了 一次新的转向――“传媒学转向”。“传媒学转向”继承了“语言学转向”的 思路和方法,但又超越了“语言学转向”所强调的能指与所指的二元对立。 “传媒学转向”既使人文社会科学的研究对象实现了从“反思理性”转向了 “反思传媒”,又使人与传媒之间的关系从“人使用传媒”转向了“传媒使用 人”。 关键词:传媒学转向;人文社会科学;反思传媒;传媒使用人;语 言学转向 Abstract: In the research field of contemporary humanities and social sciences, journalism, communication and other disciplines are closely related to media studies and have become a prominent subject of studies. At the same time, contemporary humanities and social science researches has ushered in anew turn― “the turn of media studies”, inheriting the ideas and methods in “the turn of linguistics” and surpassing the binary opposition of the signifier and the signified. “The turn of media studies” is not only reflected in the change of research objects from “reflection on rationality” to “reflection on media” in humanities and social sciences, but also in the one of relationship from “people using media” to “media uses” between people and media. Key words: the turn of media studies; humanities and social sciences; reflection on media; media users; the turn of linguistics 人文社会科学研究的“转向”是指学术研究中的重要学术思想和学 术范式的大转变。在目前的人文社会科学研究中,“关注传媒、了解传媒”已 经成为了各个学科的研究重点。同时,与传媒研究密切相关的新闻学、传播学
