

The man in the moon 2011.1.21~2011.2.18 白云路小学六年级上英语寒假作业 作业要求: 1. 本作业分为朗读和笔头两部分; 2. 在假期中以作业中的短文为载体,认真练习并提高你的口语朗读能力。读熟 后请你读给家长听,并请家长签字; 3. 认真完成笔头作业,提高你的阅读能力; 4. 为此作业设计一个你认为漂亮、有意思的封面(包括你的班级、姓名、学号)。 Date(日期): January _____ Day(星期): ________ Weather(天 气):________ 1. Alice looked at the moon. It was big. It was round. It was white. It was much bigger than all the stars. The stars were little lights. The moon was abig, bright light. She looked around. She could see sidewalk. other houses. She could see the She could see the street. The moon was bright. It was not as bright as the sun. But it was much brighter than the stars. She looked at the moon. Her dad said there is aman in the moon. She looked for the man in the moon. She looked for his eyes. She looked for his nose. She looked for his mouth. She did not see the man in the moon. 词汇积累 sidewalk n. (美) 人行道 基础练习 1
