
2020年北京教育学院分院附属中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. As soon as we arrived in the morning, we were told that somebod

Iused to drink alot of coffee, but these days I_____ tea. 6. 年北京教育学院分院附属中学高一英语月考试题含解析 2020 A. preferB. am preferring 一、选择题 C. have preferredD. preferred 参考答案: As soon as we arrived in the morning, we were told that somebody ________ into the office during the 1. night. A A. was breakingB. has brokenC. had brokenD. broke The policeman ________ five days after he had been wounded. 7. 参考答案: A. was dead B. had died C. has died C 2. Since he has gone _______ alot of hardship, he looks older than his real age. D. died A. over B. out C. on D. through 参考答案: 参考答案: D D Widely _______ computers have been used in class in the city, many schools in the 8. suburb have no such equipment. 3. Britain, ______________many other industrialized countries, ______ experienced major A. while B. however C. although D. as changes over the past 100 years. 参考答案: A. together with; have B. as well as; have C. in common with; has D. instead of ;has D 参考答案: 9. _______ has watched the Steve Job’s keynotes, will tell you he is one of the most extraordinary speakers in America. C A. Who B. Anyone who C. People who D. Anyone —I’m going out tonight. 4. 参考答案: —Well, I’d rather you _____. B A. aren’t B. don’t C. won’t D. didn’t 略 参考答案: Xiao Ming________the club and________a lot of its activities in his spare time 10. .( ) D Atook part injoinedBjoined intook part in .; .; The city of Ya’ an has grown so fast that it’s at least______ what it used to be. 5. Cjoinedtook part inDjoined injoined .; .; A. five times the size of B. the size of five times 参考答案: C. five times larger D. larger five times C 参考答案: joinjoin intake part inC 参加某个组织要用;参加某项活动用或均可.故选. A ATale of Two Cities 11. is ______ anovel. It helps us to understand the history of that time.
