
英语四级现象分析作文范文 篇一:英语四级作文模板--现象类 一:揭示社会不良现象,表达自己观点的议论文 二:社会热点话题的讨论 格式: 首段: 根据国内一些情况,提出某种现像的现

英语四级现象分析作文范文 -- 篇一:英语四级作文模板现象类 一:揭示社会不良现象,表达自己观点的议论文二:社会热点 话题的讨论 格式: 首段:根据国内一些情况,提出某种现像的现状(或者从某一 小列子引出大现象) 第二段:分析不良现象(热点话题)出现的原因及危害 第三段:从政府和个人两方面提出建议和举措(或从事物的正反 There is no denying that....is 两面)首段:直接说明: becoming more and more of aproblem in china,for example... It is astriking fact that the issue of......has triggered a heated discussion. Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that.... Restaurant reservation is getting 举小例子反映大现象: tight for the coming of christmas ,a typical western holiday ........ We can easily tell () from this case 大现象
