Uint11 Section B 3a-4 知识目标: words: slide clown staff organized marketphrases: water slide ;dress up
Uint11 Section B3a-4 知识目标: words: slide clown staff organized market phrases: water slide ;dress up as clowns; at Uncle Bob’s ;spend –doing They can find it at the Farmer’s Market where the food is both delicious and cheap. ``` 能力目标: 1学生能熟练掌握文中的定语从句 2能阅读文章,掌握文章内容,提高学生的阅读能力,并且学生能写一篇文章来介绍某个 地方。 情感态度和价值观: 通过学习本文,学生能介绍某个地方,培养学生热爱家乡、热爱生活 的情趣。 ⅠWarm up T: Some tourists will come to Lin Yi. Can you introduce some places to have fun\ eat\learn? A: Can you tell me where there’s agood place to eat? B: Of course. What kind of food do you like? ⅡPre-read Learn new words: water slide, staff, clown, organized, market ⅢWhile-read Task1 Fast reading This article is a_______ to aplace . Task 2Careful reading (Read 3a carefully and fill in the blanks) A) a. The place talking about in 3a is _____________. It is agreat place for the family to _______________________. b. When we write aguide to aplace, we usually talk about where to eat, where _____________________ and ___________________________ C.Watertown has everything for everyone. Kids can eat at _______________________. They have ____________ games and the staff _____________ as _________. Teenagers may eat at ___________________ and a different _____________ plays there every night. They’ll want to visit the world’s largest ______________. Parents like to eat at the ___________________ where the food is both delicious and cheap. They can take _______________ on the beach while the children have fun. And everyone can learn something in Watertown. There are ________ museums. Welcome to Watertown. B) Read 3a carefully again and fill in the chart kids teenagers parents eat have fun water slides