英语中班音乐教案:《夏天到》In this lesson plan, we will be exploring the song "Summer is Coming" as a way to intr
英语中班音乐教案:《夏天到》 In this lesson plan, we will be exploring the song "Summer is Coming" as away to introduce and practice English vocabulary related to the season of summer and common summer activities. Introduction: Begin by playing the song "Summer is Coming" for the students. Have them listen once or twice and ask if they recognize any of the words or phrases in the song. Write these down on the board. Activity 1: Vocabulary Review Take the words and phrases from the song that the students recognize and use them to introduce some key vocabulary related to summer. This could include words like "beach", "sunscreen", "swimming", "picnic", "ice cream", "watermelon", "barbecue", and "fireworks". Encourage the students to brainstorm other words and phrases related to summer as well. Activity 2: Song Lyrics Next, pass out copies of the lyrics to "Summer is Coming" 第1 页共 3页