世界名著 —《顽童流浪记》My name is Huckleberry Finn, but我叫哈克贝利 ? 芬,但这个名字太长it istoo long, so everybodycalls m
世界名著 —《顽童流浪记》 My name is Huckleberry Finn, but ? 我叫哈克贝利芬,但这个名字太长 it is too long, so everybody calls me 了,所以大家都叫我哈克。你看过《汤 Huck. Have you ever read abook 姆历险记》这本书吗那是一本叙述汤姆 called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ? 苏儿和我的故事书。汤姆是我的挚友。 It is astory about TomSawyer and me. Tom is my best friend. 故事是这样的:汤姆和我发现盗贼藏 This is the story: Tomand Ifound 在一个洞穴中的一笔钱,于是我们发了 the money that some robbers hid in a 财。我和汤姆每人得到六千元。撒切尔 cave and it made us rich. Each of us 法官知道这件事时,便说:『我来替你 got six thousand dollars. WhenJudge 们保管这些钱。我每天给你们一块钱。 said, Thatcherlearnedthis,he "I'll keep the money for you. I'll is give you one dollarevery day. It not good foryoung boys to have lots 道格拉斯寡妇把我当自己儿子看待。 of money." 她说:『哈克,留在我身边吧。你父亲 Widow Douglas took me as her son. 已不知去向。我会好好照顾你,把你教 She said, "Huck, stay with me. Your fatherhas gone somewhere. I'lltake 小孩子钱太多并不是好事。』