
安徽省亳州市永兴职业中学2021-2022学年高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. He bothered me with _______ useless questions.A. a gre

Astrongly Bextremely Centirely Dfreely .... 安徽省亳州市永兴职业中学学年高一英语下学期期 2021-2022 参考答案: 末试卷含解析 C 一、选择题 Our earth is getting warmer and warmer. It is time for us to_____ the emission() 6. 排放 of CO2. He bothered me with _______ useless questions. 1. A. break down B. cut in C. cut down D. cut off A. agreat deal ofB. many aC. agreat many D. much 参考答案: 参考答案: C C 7. Quite afew members suggested at the meeting that the celebrations _______ because of the bad 2. Ihope you can abetter plan than this. weather. A. be put off B. put off Cshould put off A. come up with B. combine with D. to be put off C. put up with D. be associated with 参考答案: A 参考答案: 8. ----Do you mind choosing Peter to be the new chairman? A ----_______. 17. Being able to speak another language fluently is agreat ______ when you’re looking for ajob. A. Of course. He is the best choice. A. advantage B. chance C. assistant B. Certainly not. We can’t find abetter one. D. importance 参考答案: C. Yes, Ido. He is the most suitable person A D. No, Idon’t. Idon’t think he is the suitable person. 4. --How about some more coffee? 参考答案: --It’s very kind of you_______ B A. That’s all right B. It tastes nice and sweet 9. We watched the river as it _____ on under the bridge. C. Just alittle, please D. Ienjoyed it very much A. settled B. toured C. flowed D. floated 参考答案: C 参考答案: The woman doctor devoted herself _____to her research and it earned her agood 5. C reputation in her field. 10. “You can’t get this football back _______ you agree not to kick it on my window again”’ he
