—— 辽宁省竞技体校现状及对策研究以锦州体校为例 的实证研究 摘要 辽宁省竞技体校在培养优秀的运动员方面起到了重要作用,但是在 实践过程中却出现了许多问题。本文以锦州体校为例,通过问卷调查和 深度访谈等研究方法探究了锦州体校的现状,并提出了对策,包括改善 硬件设施、完善教育体制、建立渠道等方面的具体措施,以提高竞技体 校的培训质量和绩效。本研究具有一定的现实意义和参考价值。 关键词:竞技体校;辽宁省;锦州体校;现状;对策 Abstract The competitive sports schools in Liaoning Province play an important role in training excellent athletes, but there are many problems in the practical process. This paper takes Jinzhou Sports School as an example, and explores the current situation of Jinzhou Sports School through research methods such as questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews, and puts forward countermeasures, including improving hardware facilities, improving education system, and establishing channels and so on. Concrete measures to improve the training quality and performance of competitive sports schools. This research has practical significance and reference value. Keywords: competitive sports school; Liaoning Province; Jinzhou Sports School; current situation; countermeasures 一、绪论 竞技体校是特殊教育机构,主要是在学校与俱乐部之间搭建了桥 梁,将优秀运动员从初中时期开始进行专业化培训,使其能够在竞技比 赛中取得好的成绩。作为辽宁省体育基础设施建设的重要组成部分,竞 技体校在培养和输送优秀运动员方面起着重要的作用。本文以锦州体校 为例,通过问卷调查和深度访谈等研究方法探究了锦州体校的现状,并 提出了对策,以期提高竞技体校的培训质量和绩效。