《新编英语教程》第三版第四册教案 (2)

Book IVUnit 1(6 hours)Teaching objectivesUnderstand the New Year's resolution and the text structure

Book IV Unit 1 (6 hours) 1. Teaching objectives a. Understand the New Year's resolution and the text structure.(What is the father going to change this year? How does he try to make this year different? Why the results all went contrary to his expectations?) b. Learn the essential elements of narration, such as "time sequence, suspense, tone and style” Learn language points; appreciate the writing techniques and rhetorical devices. c. Have abasic understanding of ambition in text 2. d. Oral speaking practice 2. Teaching focus a. Vocabulary: resolution; spontaneous; escape mechanism; swarm around; morality rapport b. Abrief summary of the ways to express futurity c. Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text(the selections of the details, the conversational tone; idiomatic and straightforward writing style; the use of the exaggeration; the frequent use of the verb-preposition and verb-particle combination to make his writing very informal d. The writer carried out his New Year's resolution faithfully to improve himself but the results all went contrary to his expectations. Why? 3. Teaching Steps This Year It's Going to Be Different TEXT I 3.1. Pre-reading Questions Interaction Activities Starting from the on page 16, ask the students to talk about their new term's resolutions. Conclusion: It's often easier to make resolutions than to carry them out. 3.2. The Main Idea The statement that best sums up the main idea is (3): "The writer carried out his New Year's resolution ,, faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations. 3.3. Language points 1. Abrief summary of the ways to express futurity 1) The neutral future is formed by using the auxiliaries will/ shall and infinitive. Examples: Tomorrow will he his Sunday. (LevelUnit 3) 3, Is it possible to make an atomic engine that will be really safe in every circumstance?(Level Unit 6) 3, 2) be going to The construction to is used to express future intention. Examples: This year it is going to be different. Iknow what the kids are going to do.
