
江苏省泰州市口岸中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. ---I believe you’ve done your best and things will improve. A. t

江苏省泰州市口岸中学高一英语测试题含解析 一、选择题 名师点睛: ---I believe you’ve done your best and things will 1. improve. 1.ititit.make it,got it 的用法要特别注意强调句型和模糊即本题考查的无所指如的用法。 A. that; /B. /;/C. what; thatD. 2.appreciate /; that 1() ()其后可接名代词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。如: 参考答案: D We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 能再次收到你的来信,我们将十分感激。 2. Scientists say it may be five years ______ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients . Iappreciate that you have come here so 感谢你来得这么早。 A. sinceB. untilC. beforeD. when 参考答案: “”“”(thank ) 注意:其后只能接事作宾语,而不能接人作宾语 注意:这与的用法恰恰相反。如: C Iappreciate your kindness. 正:谢谢你的好意。 In many countries, ______ good education is regarded as _____ticket to success in 3. the future. Iappreciate you for your kindness. 误: A. B. a; aC. the; the D. the; a 不填;不填 He thanked her for her kindness. 正:他感谢她的好意。 参考答案: He thanked her kindness. 误: B Both his parents died in atraffic accident when he was ababy, so he was ______by his grandma. 4. 2ifwhen ()后接或从句的问题 A. brought about B. brought up C. brought in ifwhenit 其后不直接跟或引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助。如: D. brought down Iwould appreciate it very much if you would help me with it. 参考答案: 如果你能帮助我做这事,我会十分感激。 B “appreciate 名师点评本题难度适中。是高中要求四会的单词,不仅要掌握它的词义、用法还要会判 略 appreciate 断句中的是考查的那种用法。 I’d appreciate ______ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 5. We really appreciate _____ when she offered to help. 即学即练: A. thatB. itC. thisD. you A. you B. that C. this D. it 参考答案: D 解析:。句意:她来帮忙了,我们十分感激。 B The number of the people invited ______ fifty, but anumber of them ________ absent for 6. different reasons. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; is D. is, are
