河北省邯郸市王明寨中学高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. ________ Shanghai _______Beijing and you will know which city is larg
means hard work. 河北省邯郸市王明寨中学高三英语期末试题含解析 A. you have realizedB. have you realizedC. can you realizeD. you can 一、选择题 realize 1. ________ Shanghai _______Beijing and you will know which city is large. 参考答案: A. Comparing; to B. Comparing; with C. Compare; with D. Compared; with C 参考答案: 6. —How are you getting along with the English party? —Quite wellNot so smoothly as we expected, _______ .. C 2. ____________ the rising birth rate and immigration, the declining death rate also resulted in the Athough Binstead Ceither ... population growth. Dtoo . 参考答案: A. In addition to B. In terms of C. In consequence of D. In spite of D Currently car insurance is not _______ in the annual inspection; all the vehicles are required 7. 参考答案: to register insurance covering safety and property. A -- What has made him upset recently ? 3. A. temporaryB. optionalC. arbitrary --______ alone to face atroublesome milk case. D. confidential A. left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave 参考答案: 参考答案: B B No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected 8. 4. .It is adangerous practice to sit on the motorbike _____, though it is will happen. convenient for ladies. A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict A. sideways B. backwards C. upwards D. alongside 参考答案: 参考答案: D A 9. The university with two____ campuses has astudent population of 50,000 in total . 略 Aunique Bseparate C. single .. Dalternative . OK, wake up! Only when you stop seeking shortcuts to success being successful 5.