高三英语培优外刊阅读 经济话题 学案

高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:外刊精选I Google用3个月实现全年营收,是怎么做到的?上周,多家科技巨头发布第二季度财报,微软、谷歌、苹果的业绩都实现了不同程度的 增长。得益于火爆的广告市

高三英语培优外刊阅读 班级:学号:姓名: 外刊精选用个月实现全年营收,是怎么做到的? IGoogle3 上周,多家科技巨头发布第二季度财报,微软、谷歌、苹果的业绩都实现了不同程度的 增长。 得益于火爆的广告市场,谷歌的季度营收更是创下十几年来最大增幅。很多业内人士 认为,疫情 期间人们对互联网产品需求的大增,促成了近几个月来的营收盛况。但是随着世 界经济的逐渐复 苏,加之政府更为严厉的监管措施,投资者们或不再看好科技巨头们的增长 前景。究竟情况如何? Google's profits soar as revenue rises 62 percent By David Streitfeld Alphabet, Google's parent company, just made in three months what it took until recently an entire year to earn. That is alevel of growth that companies of its size rarely if ever achieve, but the pandemic has erased all the limits for tech firms. The search and advertising company on Tuesday reported record profits and revenue for the second quarter, vindicating the enthusiasm of investors who doubled its value on the stock market since early last year. The stellar results pushed shares up modestly in aftermarket trading. Alphabet said it made aprofit of $18.5 billion, or $27.26 ashare, for the quarter. As recently as 2015, it made less than that all year. Revenue rose 62 percent to $61.88 billion from ayear ago, alevel of increase unseen since the company's rapid growth around 2005, when it was still astart-up. With amarket capitalization nearing $2 trillion, Alphabet is about as far from astart-up as is possible. Like Amazon and Facebook, it is frequently criticized for wielding its power unfairly, acharge the companies deny. Bills introduced in the U.S. House would restrict the big tech firms, and President Biden has named critics of Big Tech to key regulatory positions. The pandemic profits the companies are making will likely only increase calls for action. "Regulators at the moment are probably the biggest potential roadblock for Alphabet Jsaid Dave Heger, acommunications analyst for the brokerage Edward Jones. “But antitrust lawsuits will take years. In the interim the company will continue to grow and add value to advertisers. History is probably in its favor.” 【词汇过关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1 .vindicate [' vi ndl kei t] vt. ____________________________________ 2 .stellar [' steh] adj. ___________________________________ 3 .modestly [' mD di stli] adv. ___________________________________ 4 : .unseen [a n' si n] adj. __________________________________ 5 .near [ni o] vt. __________________________________ 6 .roadblock [' rou dblD k] n. __________________________________ 【词块学习】 请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。 1 .几乎没 _______________________________________________ 2 .盘后,收市后 _______________________________________________ 3 市值 _______________________________________________ . 4 和之间的距离非常远 ________________________________________________ .AB 5 .运用权力/施加影响 ________________________________________________ 6 .美国众议院 _______________________________________________ 7 .呼吁,呼声 _______________________________________________ 8 .在此期间 _______________________________________________ 9 .对某人有利,使某人处于有利的位置 ________________________________________________ 拓展练习 阅读理解 Big tech companies like Google and Facebook parent Meta would have to observe tough British rules under anew digital watchdog aimed at giving consumers more choice online ——or face the threat of big fines. The UK government on Friday outlined the power it's planning fbr its Digital Markets Unit, a
