
高中代词总结附练习题代词可以分为下列九类人称代词(personal pronouns) : I You She物主代词(Possessive Pronouns) : My, His自身代词(self

高中代词总结附练习题 代词可以分为下列九类 1 (personal pronouns) :I You She 人称代词 2 Possessive Pronouns) :My, His 物主代词 ( 3 self pronouns) :myself 自身代词 ( 4 .(reciprocal pronouns) :one another, each other 相互代词 5 .(demonstrative Pronouns) :this, that, those, these 指示代词 6 .imerrogalive pronouns) :who, whom, whose, what, which 疑问代词用来 ( 构成 特殊问句的。 7 .(relative pronouns) :who, whom, whose, that, which 关系代词等引导定语从 句的。 8 (conjunctive pronouns) .连接代词:疑问代词都可以用作连接代词,来引起主 语从句,宾语从句和表语从句。 9 indefinile pronouns) :all, each, both 不定代词等 ( 一人称代词 英语中主要有以下这些人称代词: 单数 复数 三 三 — ► — 主格 I yo he, she, it we you they u 宾格 m yo him, her, it us you the e u m 人称代词做主语时用主格,做宾语时用宾格。 在作表语时,用宾格较多,例如: Who is knocking at the door? —It's me. 但在强调结构中却常用主格:一 It was he who did it. It is she who wants this clothes. 在使用人称代词时有下面儿点值得注意: 1) shee.g. Ithink England will do 可以用来代表国家,船只,大地,月亮等。 what she promised to do. 2)I 在并列的主语中,总放在最后。 e.g. Mary and Iwill be in charge of the case. 3) 第三人称,男女两性并用时,男先女后。 He and she still don't agree to the plan. 二物主代词
