2022年河北省沧州市任丘青塔中学高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The Smiths doubted if it was worth ______ a hundred miles to se
A. interesting; boring 年河北省沧州市任丘青塔中学高一英语期末试卷含解析 2022 B. interesting; bored 一、选择题 C. interested; bored The Smiths doubted if it was worth ______ ahundred miles to see the basketball 1. D. interested; boring; game. 参考答案: B A. of driving B. driving C. drive D. being He noticed that ariver of liquid rock was coming towards him. It would ________ him 6. driven completely, but he managed to escape just in time. 参考答案: Apull Bfloat .. B Csurround Dcrash .. 参考答案: According to some evidence, it _____ human beings _____ should take the 2. C responsibility for the ______ of this ______ species. Ais; who; disappear; rarely Bwas; that; disappearance; rarely .. [surround 考查动词。句意:他看到有一股岩浆朝他袭来,要把他团团围住,但他还是及时躲开了。 Cis; that; disappearance; rare Dwas; who; disappear; rare .. “”pull“”float“()”crash“”] 包围;围绕,符合题意。拖;拉;浮动;使漂浮;碰撞;坠落。 参考答案: _________car accidents have happened recently 7. C A. Series of B. Lot of The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. What a 3. C. The number of D. Aseries of dangerous_____ it was! A. sight B. sign C. view 参考答案: D. scene D 参考答案: A. Series ofB. Lot of 【详解】考查固定短语。句意:最近,发生了一系列的车祸。没有这个短语; D 4. She ______to them about her age in order to get the job. lots ofC. The number of….D. Aseries of 应该是,本短语不存在;的数量,谓语动词用单数;一系 A. lay B. laid C. lied D. lain D 列的,故选。 参考答案: 8. That little boy can pick up atune immediately on the violin, he really has a_____for music. C A. power B. energy C. intelligence D. gift 5. -- How is your life in the countryside? 参考答案: -- It is _______ but sometimes Ifeel abit _______.