瑞士法郎是全世界最昂贵的货币Switzerland has retained its position as one of the most expensive spots in the world
瑞士法郎是全世界最昂贵的货币 Switzerland has retained its position as one of the most expensive spots in the world to buy aBig Mac, as the Swiss franc remains strong against all major currencies. 瑞士仍然是全世界巨无霸汉堡包价钱最贵的地方,这是由于瑞士法郎兑其他主要货 币持续保持着强劲的势头。 The famed McDonald's burger will set you back 6.50 Swiss francs in the Alpine state -that works out at more than £5.20 ($6.35) for the patty sandwich alone, no fries or drink included. 在这个阿尔卑斯山脉横跨的国家,闻名全球的麦当劳汉堡售价6.50瑞士法郎—— 单买夹肉饼的三明治的话,要花5.20英镑(6.35美元),其中不包括薯条和饮 料。 The findings, exhibited in the Economist's Big Mac index, imply that the Swiss franc is overvalued by ameaty 25.5 percent. 《经济学人》巨无霸指数的这一发现意味着,瑞士法郎被高估了25.5%,这十分耐 人寻味。 The Big Mac index was created by The Economist magazine in 1986 as