基于Webservice技术的SAP接口实现 徐晓琴Summary:随着公司信息化的快速发展,SAP(System Applications and Products in Data Proce
基于Webservice技术的SAP接口实现 徐晓琴 Summary:随着公司信息化的快速发展,SAP(System Applications and Products in Data Processing)系统已经成为公司业务核心系统,同SAP系统 集成的外圍系统也越来越多,系统提供了丰富的接口技术和开发平台。本文主 要介绍了Webservice的概念、特点,并且用Webservice技术创建了SAP系统 与质检系统CAQ的集成实例,重点分析了在SAP中如何用Webservice技术创建 代理、配置、编译代码、测试联通等的实现过程。 Key:SAP;Webservice技术;SOAP :TP391 :A :1009-3044(2018)14-0030-02 Abstract: With the rapid development of company information technology, SAP system has become the core business system, the peripheral system with the integration of SAP system is also more and more, and it provides the interface technology and rich system development platform. This paper mainly introduces the concept and characteristics of Webservice, creates an instance of the SAP