
射击运动专业词汇(中英)前言:目前看来,射击项目在世界上居于领先地位的国家有美国,中国,俄国和德国。射击运动要求(运动员) 具有平衡,注意力集中,协调,心理稳定和时间感觉等项素质。大家普遍认

射击运动专业词汇(中英) 前言:目前看来,射击项目在世界上居于领先地位的国家有美国,中国,俄国和德国。射击运动要求(运动员) 具有平衡,注意力集中,协调,心理稳定和时间感觉等项素质。大家普遍认为射击运动员的视力一定很好。 Olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity to win gold medals, but Karoly Takacs' comeback may be the best. Takacs was part of Hungary's world-cha mpion pistol-shooting team in 1938 when an army grenade exploded in his right hand. Ten year slater, he won the first two golds in rapid-fire pistol -after teaching himself to shoot left-hand ed. In asport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this senten ce, asport where shooters compete amid acacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing b etween heartbeats, Takacs' achievement tests the imagination. From just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today, the sport has gro wn steadily. In part this leap can be ascribed to advances in the technology of firearms and equ ipment, which have led to constant changes in the shooting competition. But it can also be ascr ibed to the passion shooters have for their sport. Help: abound with 盛产, 富于; 充满, 多 grenade n. 手榴弹 bullseye n. 靶心 cacophony n. 杂音 Olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity to win gold medals, but Karoly Takacs' comeback may be the best. Takacs was part of Hungary's world-champion pistol-shooting team in 1938 when an army grenade exploded in his right hand. Ten years later, he won the first two golds in rapid-fire pistol -after teaching himsel
