新标准大学英语3 unit2-Cultural Childhoods原文+译文
Cultural Childhoods 不同文化的童年 1When Ilook back on my own childhood in the 1970s and 1980s and compare it with children today, it reminds me of that famous sentence "The past is aforeign country: They do things differently there" (from L. P. Hartley's The Go-Between novel ). Even in arelatively short period of time, Ican see the enormous transformations that have taken place in children's lives and in the ways they are thought about and treated. 20 每当我回顾世纪七八十年代我的童年时光,并将它与现在孩子的童年相比较时,就会想 “”L.P. 起句名言:往昔是异国他乡,那里有着不同的习俗(可参见哈特利的小说《传信人》)。 甚至在相对短暂的一段时间内,我也能够察觉到儿童的生活以及人们对待儿童的方式上所经 历的巨大变化。 2.Looking further back Ican see vast differences between contemporary and historical childhoods. Today, children have few responsibilities, their lives are characterized by play not work, school not paid labour, family rather than public life and consumption instead of production. Yet this is all relatively recent. Ahundred years ago, a12 year old working in afactory would have been perfectly acceptable. Now, it would cause social services' intervention and the prosecution of both parents and factory owner. 回顾更久远的岁月,我可以看到现在和古代童年生活的巨大差别。如今的儿童责任很少,他 们生活的主要内容是玩耍而非工作,上学而非劳动,在家里呆着而不是和外界交往,消费而 12 非生产。这种变化也是最近才显现出来的。一百年前,岁的孩子在工厂打工是完全可以 接受的事情,而现在,这会招来社会服务机构的介入,其父母和工厂主会被起诉。 3. The differences between the expectations placed on children today and those placed on them in the past are neatly summed up by two American writers, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English. Comparing childhoods in America today with those of the American colonial period (1600–1776), they have written: "Today, afour year old who can tie his or her shoes is impressive. In colonial times, four-year-old girls knitted stockings and mittens and could produce intricate embroidery: At age six they spun wool. Agood, industrious little girl was called 'Mrs‘ instead of 'Miss' in appreciation of her contribution to the family economy: She was not, strictly speaking, achild." ·· 有两位美国作家,芭芭拉埃伦里奇和迪尔德丽英格利希,她们简要地概括了过去和现在 1600–1776 人们对儿童的期待的差异。在比较美国现在的儿童和殖民地时期()的儿童时, “ 她们写道:今天,如果一个四岁的孩子能自己系鞋带就很了不起了。而在殖民地时期,四 岁的女孩会织长筒袜和连指手套,能做复杂的刺绣,六岁就能纺毛线了。一个善良勤快的女 ‘’‘’ 孩被称为夫人而不是小姐,这是为了表彰她对家庭经济的贡献,严格说来她不是一 ” 个孩子了。 4These changing ideas about children have led many social scientists to claim that childhood is a"social construction". They use this term to mean that understandings of childhood are not the same everywhere and that while all societies acknowledge that children are different from adults, how they are different and what expectations are placed on them, change according to the society in which they live.