
如何让简历通过筛选系统When you apply for a job at a larger firm, there’s a high chance that your resume will be

如何让简历通过筛选系统 When you apply for ajob at alarger firm, there’s ahigh chance that your resume will be scanned by afiltering software for words related to certain job vacancies. 当你要申请一个大公司的岗位时,你的简历非常有可能会被一个过滤 软件扫描。这个软件会检索那些和空缺的岗位有关的关键词。 This kind of automation process will also reject your resume if it doesn’t “meet traditional, business-dictated document formatting,” writes Rick Gillis in his book “Job!: Learn How to Find Your Next Job In 1Day.” 假如你的简历“不符合传统的,商务性文件格式”1.Do2.Choose法 识别你的简历。Rick Gillis在他的《工作!:如何在1天内为你找 到新工作》一书里这么写道。 Here are some formatting rules that Gillis says job seekers should follow to create afiltering software-friendly resume: 以下是一些Gillis认为求职者应该遵从的格式规则,按照这些规则 制作的简历能够很好地适应那些过滤软件。
