
新闻学专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Journali__一、培养目标 Ⅰ. Educational O__ectives 本专业

新闻学专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Journali__ 一、培养目标 ⅠEducational O__ectives . 本专业旨在培养掌握新闻传播学基本理论和各类新闻传播技能的高级新闻传播专业人才本专 ; 业毕业生可胜任新闻媒体的采编、经营管理工作和企、事业单位、传播制作公司的宣传、策划工作, 亦可进一步深造,从事新闻传播理论的研究和教学工作。 The program prepares students to be professional talents in journali__. The training gives them knowledge of __ss media and journali__ and ability to apply on the newsgathering, running and __naging, teaching, researching and publicizing in the media sectors. 二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Skills Profile _____ 本专业学生要求学习基本原理,系统掌握新闻传播学理论,熟知各类媒体的传播特性,能 “ 够熟练运用现代传播技术传播新闻信息,并懂得媒介经营管理的一般原则和方法,形成厚基础、 ” 宽口径、术理兼备的知识结构。 This program provides students with afirm grounding in the principles of journali__ and __ss medium, demonstrates the application of these principles and modern communication techniques, and enables them to learn the principles and skills, to build an ex__llent knowledge structure. 三、学制与学位 .Length of Schooling and Degree Ⅲ 修业年限四年 : Duration4 years : 授予学位文学学士 : Degrees ConferredBachelor of Art : 四、学时与学分
