Book 2 Unit 4 Exploring literatureReading 1 The wonder of literature教学目标By the end of this section,
Book 2Unit 4Exploring literature Reading 1 The wonder of literature 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. find the three qualities of good literature by skimming the text; 2. identify the function of the rhetorical device of analogy; 3. appreciate beautiful sentences from literary works; 4. give an example to support an idea; 5. judge aclassic work of literature according to the three qualities of good literature. 教学重难点 1. To understand the three qualities of good literature; 2. To judge their favourite book according to the three qualities; 3. To identify the rhetorical device of analogy. 教学过程 步 教学活动 设计意图 & 互动时间模式 骤 Pre-reading The teacher presents areading list of Grade Ten 通过让学生 2’ Step 1 students in America. The teacher asks students 分享阅读体验,引 Class Work two questions. 出本课主题,为本 Individual Work ● How many of these books have you ever 节课的教学做铺 read? 垫。 ● What benefits do you get from reading them? The teacher introduces the text to the students. 通过阅读标 1’ Step 2