
2020年安徽省阜阳市太和中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. How many of us ____ a meeting that has nothing to do with us is n

A 年安徽省阜阳市太和中学高三英语期末试卷含解析 2020 略 一、选择题 5. _______ caused the accident is still acomplete mystery. How many of us ____ ameeting that has nothing to do with us is not important at all. 1. A. What B. That C. How D.Where A. attending B. to attend C. have attended D. attend 参考答案: 参考答案: A A So far, thirty-one major infrastructure projects have been completed and another 54 are 6. 2. Technology is developing so rapidly that _____ for only ayear, my cell phone is out of date. still ________ construction to welcome the G20 summit 2016 in Hangzhou in early A. using B. having been used C. having used D. is using September. A. in B. on C. above 参考答案: D. under B One of the biggest dream killers is fear. There are so many people who have 3. 参考答案: achieved amazing things if only they weren’t afraid. D A. canB. couldC. must 542016G20under construction 试题解析:句意:另外个工程正在建设之中,以迎接年峰会正 D. will D 在建设之中 。故选。 参考答案: 7. Every year, the workers __their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health . B Aare having Bhave .. +could have achievedmust have 考查情态动词 完成式的用法。本来可以取得而没有取得; Chave had Dare going .. achieved can“+”will have achieved 一定已经取得。在肯定句中不能用于情态动词完成式;为将 to have 来完成时。句意:恐惧是梦想最可怕的杀手之一。要是人们能够克服恐惧,很多人本来是可以成就大 事的。 参考答案: 4. It has been said of the Mona Lisa "the smile was so pleasing that it seemed holy human; B and those who saw it were amazed to find that it was as alive as the original" . Arather than Bother than Cor rather ... 8. —I hope you won’t mind alittle friendly advice. Dmore than . —______. Atrue friend is the one who tells you the truth about yourself. 参考答案:
