
XX英文辩论赛主持稿 一场精彩的辩论赛除了离不开我们辩手的功绩和筹划的功绩, 更是离不开我们主持人精彩的主持。下面是的xx英文辩论赛主持 稿,欢送阅读。 Debater Number 1 Debater Number 2 评委团:judges 题目 Debating Competition 开头:wele to the debating petition of the issue now lets begin.开始 Outline for Beginners Following is aspeech outline for (EFL) novice debaters. Too much reliance on this may make your speech inflexible; still, the expressions and the speech flow below are the basic which every (EFL) debater should keep in mind. ■1. Greetings ■2. Presenting the motion and case (Note: of course, this is mainly the task of the Prime Minister) ■3. Showing the (government /opposition) “stance” (or “team line”) for the round. ■4. Presenting your speech outline and team allocation. ■5. Refutation
