2023年重庆市中考英语真题(A卷)一、语法选择1.根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个语法正确的答案,并把答 题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Dear Lucy,First I' d like
2023(A 年重庆市中考英语真题卷) 一、语法选择 1ABC .根据短文内容,从、、三个选项中选出一个语法正确的答案,并把答 题卡 上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 Dear Lucy, First I' dlike to say that Ilove your name. When my teacher asked us to choose pen pal, Ichose agirl named Lucy. Ithink the name seems very friendly. Ihave ahappy family. My father in afactory two years ago, and now he is asuccessful businessman. Mom is ateacher. She English for eighteen years. She takes care of us very well. My father always says my mom is the best cook in the world. Ihave asister. She is than me. She thinks she knows more than Ido, so she can always tell me what .It really drives me mad. Ilive in Chongqing. It the Mountain City. It is a"hot” city, too. It is famous for its hotpot and .And it is really hot in summer here. The people here are kind and hardworking. Every year many people come to have avisit. Welcome Chongqing. If you come, I' 11 be glad to be guide. 1hope you can write back soon. Your pen pal, Isabel 1. A. a B. an C. the worke 2. A. work B. works C. d 3. A. is teaching B. will teach C. has taught 4. A. that B. if C. how enabled autonomous weapons).It is also going to change and take (人工智能自主武器