2019-2020年八年级英语Module 1 Section 2 Words and Expressions

2019-2020年八年级英语Module 1 Section 2 Words and Expressions1. diaryn. 1. [C] 日记 a daily record of what

2019-2020年八年级英语Module 1Section 2Words and Expressions 1. diary n. 1. 2. [C] adaily record of what you do or think: Iused to keep adiary. 日记我从前记日记。 [C] book where you write what has happened each day: He begins to write in his diary. 日记本他 开始在他的日记本上写东西。 2. translate v. give the meaning of words in another language: He translated it from English into German. 翻译 Don't translate word for word, sentence for sentence. 他把它从英文翻译成德文。不要逐字逐句地翻译。 Can you translate this German letter for me? Poetry doesn't 你能把这封德文信给我翻译一下吗? translate easily. The essay translates well. translate...into... … 诗歌不容易翻译。这篇论文译得好。把 …Translate the following sentences into Chinese, please. The book 翻译成请把下列句子译成汉语。 seems to have been translated into many languages already. 这本书看来已有了好几种语言的译本了。 to translate English into Chinese abook translated into several languages 把英语译成汉语被译成数 种语言的一本书 3. plete adj. 1. finished; done: She stopped when her work was plete. 完结的;完成的;结束的工作做完了她 2. with no parts missing: James has arrived so our team is plete. 就停下来。配齐的;完整的詹姆 Everybody is here today; the class is plete. 士已经到了,困此我们队人都到齐了。今天大家都到了, 3. total: Gary's visit was aplete surprise! 全班都齐了。完全的;彻底的加里的来访可真完全出人 Is this aplete story? 意外!这是一个完整的故事吗? vt. finish doing or making something: The builders will plete the new sports centre next 完成;使圆满 year. This ought to be pleted. 建筑工人将在明年建成这座新的运动中心。应该把这个做完(或写完, When will the work be pleted? 补全)。这项工作什么时候完成? 4. copy n. 1. [C] something the same as another thing: The picture on my wall is a 摹本;复制品;抄本;副本 copy of apainting by Turner. The copy does not correspond 我墙上的那张画是特纳油画的复制品。 with the original. This is the copy of awell known picture. 抄本与原文不符。这是一幅名画的摹本。 2. [C] one example of abook or newspaper: Make six copies of (书报等的)一本;一册;一份 this, please. Iwant acopy of his new book. Will you 请把这个复制六份。我要一本他写的新书。 please get me acopy of "Mother"? There are three copies of that book 请给我弄一本《母亲》好吗? in the library. 那本书图书馆里有三册。 vi. 1. make acopy of: Please copy the sentence on the blackboard. 抄写;誊写;复印请把句子抄在 2. Ihad to copy the whole letter. try to be like, or look like, 黑板上。我须抄此全信。模仿 another person: Tom copied the clothes of the pop star. Watch me 汤姆模仿流行歌星的衣服式样。 and copy what Ido. Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically. 看着我,照我的样子做。决 3. cheat by looking at another person's work 不要盲目或机械地照抄外国的东西。抄袭(别人答案) and writing what that person has written: You must not copy in an exam. 你在考试中可别抄袭。 Don't copy from your neighbour! 不要抄袭你邻座的东西! 5. correct adj. right, true: He gave me three correct answers. Fill in the 正确的他给了我三个正确的答案。 blanks with the correct tenses of the verbs given. Your answer is not 用所给动词的正确时态填空。 quite correct. plete each of the following sentences with the correct statement. 你的回答不完全对。 It's the correct thing to do. approximately correct 用正确的说法完成下列各句。对啊,正应如此。大
