安徽省宿州市鱼沟中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. ---When did Bob leave? --- I have no idea. I ______ a shower upsta
A. settling B. discovering C. seeing D. designing 安徽省宿州市鱼沟中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析 参考答案: 一、选择题 C By accepting lower pricesorganizers can sell tickets that would ______ go 6. , ---When did Bob leave? 1. --- Ihave no idea. I______ ashower upstairs. unsold .( ) A. tookB. have taken AthereforeBotherwiseCinsteadDhowever .... C. would takeD. was taking 参考答案: 参考答案: D D 2. —Has your brother found an apartment yet? Atherefore Botherwise Cinstead Dhowever .因此;.否则;.相反地,代替;.然而,但是; —No, he's still living in aroom downtown, but I________ him look. D 分析句意可知,此处指的是:那些不降价否则就卖不出去的票;故选. A. help B. have helped C. am helping D. helped You needn’t have apologized for your absence— ,it’s hardly your fault. 7. 参考答案: AthereforeBhoweverCmeanwhileDbesides 、、、、 C 参考答案: 略 D 3. If you keep practicing your son in football, he________ to make afamous player . 试题分析:考查副词:句意:你不必为你的缺席道歉,此外,这不是你的错。这是两个并列的事情, Awants Bhopes .. besidesAthereforeBhoweverCmeanwhileD 用,、因此,、然而,、同时,选。 Cpromises Dwishes .. 考点:考查副词 8. Their performance was much better than_________. 参考答案: C A. expected B. it expected C. expecting D. it is 4. —Got your driving license ? expected —Yes. It is aweek since I____________ the driving test. 参考答案: A. have passed B. passed C. will A pass D. had passed 9. Weifang you see today is quite different city from what it was 10 years 参考答案: ago . B AThea Ba CThe DAa .;./;.;/.; 5. They see you as something of aworrier, problems which don’t exist and crossing 参考答案: bridges long before you come to them.