
女性生态主义视野下的呼啸山庄   An Analysis on the Ecofeminism in Wuthering Heights【摘要】 艾米丽.勃朗特因其所写的名著《呼啸山庄》被视为文学的奇

女性生态主义视野下的呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights An Analysis on the Ecofeminism in ." 【摘要】艾米丽勃朗特因其所写的名著《呼啸山庄》被视为文学的奇才随着 ," 时间的推移《呼啸山庄》越来越受到文学界的关注传统的对这篇文章的分析多 ,,", 是从爱情宗教伦理道德的角度展开的《呼啸山庄》的叙事技巧写作技巧和语 ",, 言风格也被很多学者研究过了除此以外有些学者也从女权主义象征主义和原 ", 型批评的角度对这部作品进行了研究但是少有学者从生态女权主义的角度对 ", 这部作品展开分析和研究人们对环境政治和伦理道德的败坏不满而抗议对环 ,," 境的破坏在这种背景下生态女权主义研究逐渐盛行此论文就是利用生态女权 , 主义的理论对这部作品进行分析其主要是分析男人和女人的关系以及男人对女 ". 人的统治和对自然统治内在间的关系生态女权主义的共同目标就是解放女人 " 和自然用以消除性别歧视和对自然的剥削男人和女人以及男人与自然和谐关系 ". 的实现可以最终实现生态女权主义的目标 : 关键词 ;;; 生态女权主义男人女人自然 Abstract Emily Bronte is regarded as agenius in the history of literature for her extraordinary literary work Wuthering Heights. As time passes by, her novel Wuthering Heights has gained more and more attention. The themes of love, religion and morality as well as class are the traditional analysis of the novel. Other focuses such as its narrative skills, writing styles and language have also been studied. There are also some studies of the novel from the angle of feminism, symbolism and archetypal criticism. However, few critics have studied the novel from the perspective of eco-feminism. Ecofeminism becomes popular in the context of numerous protests and activities against environmental destruction sparked off initially about nature, politics, and spirituality. My thesis tries to apply eco-criticism to analyze the relationship between woman and nature as well as the male domination over women and nature.
