复活英文读后感范文 Recently, I have read and 19 century great writer Leo Tolstoy's and a big book-" the res
复活英文读后感范文 Recently, Ihave read and 19 century great writer Leo Tolstoy's and abig book-" the resurrection ". "Resurrection", the Ming thought refers to the dead again or to life, real life there may not be such athing. Iknow alot of Tolstoy. Its not ascience fiction writer, so Iturned the book with interest. The book tells the story of the next NieHe leave a noble young-Cardiff, early years and amaid KaQiuSha ·ma silk los's love happened. Leave aNieHe experience my military career, the spirit by pollution, so that later on KaQiuSha ·ma silk los made cannot make up for Eva ugly behavior, and abandoned her, to make its fall. In DuoNian, two people after the identity of the jurors to prisoners and reunion of the jury, as aspecial NieHe leave ahusband by condemning conscience. In order to "sin", he began a wire and her "salvage" los. In this way, the hustle and bustle of NieHe leave ahusband to witness with my own eyes the Russian farmers to the pain and noble oppression. Finally "salvage" final suess. So, NieHe leave ahusband decided to and KaQiuSha ·ma silk los with Eva to Siberia across Russia. At this moment he felt spirit by "plex words". After reading, Istill not understand, on amoment meditation. Only gradually the relationship between