
六年级上册期末复习导学案(六)重点句型练习(Unit5-8)用合适的词补全句子。Halloween is _____ the 31st of ______ .Halloween is my favor

六年级上册期末复习导学案(六) Unit5-8 重点句型练习() 用合适的词补全句子。 st 1. Halloween is _____ the 31 of ______ . 2. Halloween is my favorite _______. 3. Last year ____ my house ____ New York, we ____ a fancy costume party. 4. We _____ many lanterns _____ pumpkins. 5. ____ the evening, we _____ horrible masks. 6. We said “Trick or treat?” _____ our friends. 7. One of the friends didn’t _____ ()us candies, so we 给 ____ tricks ____() him. 捉弄 8. There ____ abig orange pumpkin. 9. There ____ ten ghosts. 10. Yesterday ____ Halloween. 11. Li Shan invited me ____ her house. 12. When Iopened the door, I____ ()some ghosts. 看见 13. Let’s ____ the drums. 14. Let’s ____ trick-or-treating! 15. --I don’t have acostume here. --_______ do I. 16. --______ me, _____ is the hospital? --____ straight ahead ____ two blocks. 17. ____ left ____ Flower Street. 18. The post office is ____ ____() the bank. 紧挨着 19. The hospital is _____ _____ ()the drugstore. 在对面 20. --____ ____ is it ____ China? --It’s ____ ten _____ () kilometers. 千 21. I____ your country is beautiful too. 22. I____ love to visit New York. 23. You can come ____ time you ____. 24. ____ is your country? It’s ____ () ____ China. 西方
