小学五年级关于家规英语作文 前段时间电视上一直在放着家风这个话题,说每个人的家里都要有家风和家规。我是根据新闻上的专题,来写这篇的。现在大家都很注重家里的风气,风气的范围有大有小,有国风、也有班风
小学五年级关于家规英语作文 前段时间电视上一直在放着家风这个话题,说每个人的家里都 要有家风和家规。我是根据新闻上的专题,来写这篇的。现在大家 都很注重家里的风气,风气的范围有大有小,有国风、也有班风, 今天就来讲一下这个家风吧。 Some time ago on TV have been on the topic of family, said everyone's home to have afamily tradition and family. Iam aording to the news on the subject, to write this essay. Now we are very focused on the home atmosphere, the atmosphere of the scope is big is small, acountry wind, also have class, today, this tradition. 家风就是自己家里的风气,家里的风气好不好就会影响到子孙 后代,一个家庭或家族的家风要正,首先是要注重以德立家、以德 治家。家风也分为好几种,在家里做的事、在家里做家务等等,在 家里做的事情的是好家风。家风也叫门风,是一个家庭或家族的传 统风气。 The so-called family is his family atmosphere, family atmosphere is good or not will affect future generations, of afamily or clan tradition should be positive, the first is to pay attention to Drake home, home to the rule of virtue. Wind is divided into several, at home to do a thing, do the housework at home, in the home to do things is agood family. Wind is also called the name, is ahome or family tradition. 家规很严格的,所以家里的规那么必须要严格遵守一个家庭所