
黔南布依族苗族自治州平塘县2023年考研《英语一》深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose

黔南布依族苗族自治州平塘县2023年考研《英语一》深度预测试题 Section IUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cor Don the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) One Monday morning, news got 1in the schoolyard about afire over the weekend. Soon Mr. Smith, my teacher, came to explain that the Art class would be 2due to the fire. He also warned us not to approach the Art Room because it could be dangerious. During the morning break, Kirn and Idecided to take a3 Afirst hand observation would make us heroes at lunch. At the appointed time, Kirn and I4 the Art Room, ignoring the consequence Iwould face 5I got caught. We stood on tiptoes looking hard 6the door window, trying in vain to see 7was forbidden. Suddenly afirm 8on our shoulders stopped us. Turing around, Ifound ateacher staring angrily at us. In those seconds millions of 9flashed through my mind. My father would beat me hard. 10 than that, my mom might be so mad that she might not stop him. My spirits 11 even lower while realizing how 12 Mr. Smith would be. When Kirn and Iwere led back to our classroom, Icould found 13 to hide and wanted to melt into the 14 However, Mr Smith had adifferent 15 to teach. Slowly, he bent down to look me in the eyes, and Iwas met with alook of concern 16 anger. He spoke softly as he explained why he was 17 in my decision to go where Imay have got hurt. He cared more about my 18 than the fact that I’d broken arule. My heart was 19 with regret, and Idiscovered that he still loved me even after Idisappointed him. The rest of the day, he didn’t even mention it in class publicly, nor did he tell my parents. For the first time Ifelt the 20 of being given an unexpected second chance. 1AoverBoutCaroundDacross 、.... 2AcancelledBexaminedCconfirmedDsuggested 、.... 3AtestBriskCcheckDchance 、.... 4AsearchedBappearedCenteredDreached 、.... 5AifBunlessCasDuntil 、.... 6AoverBwithinCthroughDacross 、.... 7AwhatBhowCwhyDwhich 、.... 8AwordBholdCcryDorder 、.... 9AexcusesBfeelingsCsolutionsDthoughts 、.... 10AEasierBLessCMoreDWorse 、....
