XX有限公司 XXCo Ltd纠正和预防措施表corrective and preclude action table编号NO.: QR-8.5-02
XX有限公司 XXCo Ltd 纠正和预防措施表 corrective and preclude action table NO. QR-8.5-02 Serial NO. 编号:序号: 不合格/体系(现在或潜在)缺陷描述: Nonconformance/system (existing or potential) defect description 不符合类型: 描述人: 日期: Described byDate 整改计划递交日期确认Date of corrective action 责任Responsibility confirmation 完成日期Action date: 部门Department: 签名Signature: 经理Manager: 不合格原因调查: Reasons of nonconformance 调查人/日期: Inspector/Date 责任人: 计划的纠正和预防措施: 预计完成/日期: 计划完成时间: Responsible person: Planned corrective and preclude actions Planned action date Actual action date: 编制Document: 审核Verified by: 日期Date: 日期Date: 纠正和预防措施实施情况报告 : Progress report of corrective and preclude actions 报告人Reporter: 部门经理Manager: 日期Date: 日期Date: 纠正和预防措施有效性验证 Testing of Validity of corrective and preclude actions: 验证人Approved by: 日期Date: