备考广西壮族自治区教师招聘之小学教师招聘考前自测题及答案 2023 (100) 一单选题共题 1“”__________ 、窥一斑而知全豹这是知觉的。 A. 选择性 B. 整体性 C. 理解性 D. 恒常性 C 【答案】 2If you want ___________ you have to get the fund somewhere. 、 A.that the job is done B.the job done C.to have done the job D.the job that is done B 【答案】 3Consider these situations: You have just read an excellent book and want to tell afriend 、 about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to ___11___ your instructor to go to see it. You have heard an inspiring lecture, and want to ___12___ your newly found knowledge with aroommate who didn’t attend the lecture. A.readable