
浙江省杭州市崇贤中学2019-2020学年高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Bill’s fully ____ from his heart disease. He is very happy.

浙江省杭州市崇贤中学学年高一英语模拟试 2019-2020 卷含解析 一、选择题 1. Bill’s fully ____ from his heart disease. He is very happy. A. suffered B. returned C. resulted D. recovered 参考答案: D Either you or Igoing to be asked to go to the teacher’s office in 2. an hour. A. am B.are C.is D.be 参考答案: A Anew trading agreement _______ between Holland and Denmark. 3. A. was drawn inB. was drawn upC. has been made upD. had been drawn up 参考答案: B Throughout______ history, _________English language is made up of the rules 4. each group of people brought to Britain with them. A. the; the B. the 不填; C. the; D. 不填 不填;不填
