2021年湖北省恩施市鹤峰县第一高级中学高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He _____ have gone to Shanghai, for I saw him a moment ag
—No, it ______ take you long. It’s not the rush hour now. 年湖北省恩施市鹤峰县第一高级中学高二英语上学期期 2021 末试题含解析 Ashouldn’t Bshan’t Cmustn’t Dneedn’t .. .. 一、选择题 参考答案: He _____ have gone to Shanghai, for Isaw him amoment ago. 1. A A. mustB. can’tC. mustn’t D. can “”“” 考查情态动词的用法。去阳光酒店要花很长时间吗?不,不会花很久。现在不是高峰期。 参考答案: shouldn’t“”shan’tmustn’tneedn’t 不应该,不会;多用于法律、规定;不许;不必。故选 B 略 A 。 The new-found island, ________ 12 kilometres by 7kilometres, has been purchased by the 2. 5. You can’t________ possession of the house until all the papers have been signed. army as amilitary base. .... Ashow Btake Ccatch Dhave A. measured B. measures C. which is measured D. measuring 参考答案: 参考答案: B D 6. Snow is rare in this area. You can hardly see any snow, _____it’s winter. 12*7 试题分析:考查非谓语动词 句意上:最先发现的大小为公里的小岛已经被军方购买用作为军 Aever since Bnow that Ceven though Deven so “…”“measure” 事基地了。此处考查非谓语动词表示尺寸大小达到故使用一词的主动形式即可,故 参考答案: D 选项适合。 C Beyond the frontier, _______ from the northern hills to the southern coast, _______ very real 3. 7. To avoid being punished, she _________ the classroom from the back door when dangers. the teacher was writing on the blackboard. A. approached into B. broke into A.ranged; lieB.ranging; layC.ranging; lyingD.ranged; laid 参考答案: C. entered into D. slid into 参考答案: B D beyond the frontier 考查完全倒装与非谓语动词做状语。为表示方位的介词短语,置于句首时,句 8. .A teacher’s job isn’t easy ___. real dangersdangersrang 子完全倒装;主语为,第二个空应填主句谓语动词,又因与之间为主动 A. to be don B. to do C. for doing D. of doing B 关系,第一个空应用现在分词做状语;因此,本题选。 参考答案: —Will it take me long to get to the Sunshine Hotel? 4.