

Unit4Topic3 Unit4Topic3SectionC 教课内容 1. Beabletounderstandsomesimplestoriesandcatchthe generalideaofthem 教课目的 2. Cultivatestudentssenseofprotectingandcaringforanimals ’ catchthegeneralideaofthem Understandsimplestoriesand 教课要点 教课难点 Howtoprotectandcareforanimals 复备 教课过程 初备 A s k a n d a n s w e r b e t w e e n t h e t e a c h e r Step1 andstudentstoreview1aand2ain Section B e n d i n g w i t h Kangkanglikes Review monkeysverymuchLeadto1a Step2 1.Showthe pictures of1aandtell the story Lead tothenewwords s ’ Presentati andthenewphraseonone on wayhomein1aaccordingtothe t eachersdescription..Writedownon ’ theblackboardThenexplainthemandlet studentsmasterthem the 2. Let stu d e n t s look at the pict ures i n 1a,listen to t a p e and read a f t e r it,and a n d imitate the p r o n u n c i a t i o n Step3 intonation.Finish1a. 1a 1. Let s t u d e n t s readthestory i n Consolidati c a r e f u l l y . on (1)inish1b the (2)Let students fi nd ou t difficult sentences The teacher writesthemdownontheblackboard and explains them Let students Step4 masterthem the Sumup the animals i n Practice performance Theteacher plays arole ofoneanimal andtellsstudents its favorite food then let astudent tell the sentence w h i c h begins withIthink Letstudentsguess the meaningof meatWrite it downon theblackboardandexplainitThen
