IntroductionWith the development of technology, education has undergone a significant transformation
Introduction With the development of technology, education has undergone asignificant transformation. Educators have leveraged technology to make learning more interactive and enjoyable. Game-based learning is fast gaining popularity in classrooms worldwide as it is considered an effective teaching methodology to help students understand concepts better. This article aims to explore the research and practical aspects of game-based learning in the context of the People's Education Press (PEP) third-grade English curriculum. Background The PEP third-grade English curriculum focuses on developing children's listening and speaking skills, improving their vocabulary, and building fundamental grammar concepts. The curriculum is designed to teach English through real-life situations, songs, chants, and interactive activities. However, implementing this curriculum solely using traditional teaching methods may not be enough to keep students engaged. This is where game-based learning comes into play. 第1 页共 4页