
玛丽莲·梦露的最后时刻英语作文      玛丽莲·梦露的最后时刻      MARILYN MONROE’S FINAL DAYS      The last few weeks of Marilyn

玛丽莲·梦露的最后时刻英语作文 玛丽莲·梦露的最后时刻 MARILYN MONROE’S FINAL DAYS The last few weeks of Marilyn’s life were not just astraight drug-induced run to the grave. Some days she was able to pick herself up, and Truman Capote, lunching with her early in June, was surprised to note, “There was anew maturity about her eyes. She wasn’t so giggly anymore and she had never looked better.” Marylin had two last public engagements, aphoto session for Vogue and the interview with Life. Nobody knows what it is like to have all that Ihave and yet not be loved or know happiness. All Iever wanted out of life is to be nice to people and have them be nice to me . It’s afair exchange. And I’m awoman. Iwant to be loved by aman from his heart as Iwould love him from mine. I’ve tried but it simply hasn’t happened yet. Ireally resent the way the press is now saying that I’m depressed and in aslump, as if I’m finished. Nothing’s going to sink me although it might be kind of a relief to be finished with moviemaking. You think you’ve made it. But you never have. There’s always another scene, another film, and you always have to start all over again….
