
湖南省永州市第十六中学2021-2022学年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Each person’s fingerprint is unique, ________ it an ideal

-----How long do you think it will be _____man can finally solve the problem of 6. 湖南省永州市第十六中学学年高三英语联考试卷含 2021-2022 cancer? 解析 ------Wellit depends .. 一、选择题 Awhen Buntil Cafter ... 1. Each person’s fingerprint is unique, ________ it an ideal identification tool. Dbefore . A. to make B. making C. being made D. made 参考答案: 参考答案: D 7. One of the fathers of the Internet _________ no doubt agree that the UN need to form aspecial B agency to fight against cybercrime. 2. Not until Ibegan to work ______ how much time Ihad wasted. A. would B. must A. didn't Irealize B. did Irealize C. can D. may C. Ididn't realize D. Irealize 参考答案: 参考答案: A B 3. He______on the farm for twenty years and now he is ateacher. would“” 考查情态动词的用法。在此表示过去的意愿。该句意思为:英特网创始人之一无疑 would“”“ 会认同联合国需要成立一个特别机构来反对网络犯罪。还可以表示过去将来;过 A.has worked B.had worked C.worked D.works used to”“ 去常常();猜测(用在表示看法﹑感受或推测的动词前,稍微减弱肯定的语 参考答案: ” 气)。 C No matter what happened, he would never say aword. () 例:表意愿 -Come on, please give me some ideas about the design. 4. He would sit there for hours sometimes, doing nothing at all. () 表过去习惯性动作 AfillingBfilledCto fillDbeing 、、、、 filled The person you mentioned would be the father, is that right? (……) 表猜测,想必是 参考答案: 8. China will ________government functions and balance the relationship between A government and the market。 Don’t be angry with us. We _________ with you together, but we were busy with 5. our final reports when you called in. A. transform B. transfer C. transport D. translate A. would eat outB. must have eaten out 参考答案: C. should eat outD. could have eaten out a 参考答案: 略 D
