英语读后感On The Bronte Story A Special and Warm Story—— On The Bronte Story(《勃朗特一家的故事》) 你知道《简爱》、《吼叫山庄》吗?
英语读后感On The Bronte Story ASpecial and Warm Story—— On The Bronte Story(《勃朗特一 家的故事》) 你知道《简爱》、《吼叫山庄》吗?你知道它们的作 者吗?——夏洛蒂。勃朗特和艾米丽。勃朗特,她们可是两姐妹 哦!一个家庭怎么会培养出两位享誉世界的女性作家呢?想知道她 们家庭的故事吗?那么就和我一起来读《勃朗特一家的故事》吧! 这是19世纪的英国,故事围绕着勃朗特一家,你会以为这是一个陌 生的家庭故事,但假设你想一览你多熟知的《简爱》、《吼叫山 庄》作者一生的故事与家庭,想为心灵煲上一碗温而微烫的粥,那 便一起来阅览吧!这一个家庭,6个可爱的孩子与他们亲爱的父 亲,一个“与死亡为友”的家庭,是一个存着多少温暖心酸的家 庭。 the first time iread this book,i thought it would be amon and simple story and iwould not be affected by a family’s story. but when iread the six children’s mother——the family’s hostess(女主人), athin and kind woman was dead, ichanged my mind. the story was begun with “death” and also ended with “death”. it’s such athin book, but ithought ilearned alot from it, not only “death”. briefly speaking, the story is about six children and their family. to begin with, their mother dies early. although they have akind aunt to help them, taking care of six children is not an easy thing. so their father——pattick bronte takes them to aschool that he thinks is “good”. but later, the two children named——maria and elizabeth die there. the “death” first